Join the AUP
Prospective students use this form to apply for admission to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary University Program (AUP). Upon receipt, the AUP staff will verify your Coast Guard Auxiliary membership status:
Please complete this application to the best of your ability and submit below. Submit a Help Desk ticket if you have difficulty.
The Auxiliary University Program provides operational and leadership training, as well as real-world experience, to undergraduate and graduate students at any point in their academic career.
AUP members contribute directly to the Coast Guard while still making academic success their first priority. During the program, students become top-tier Coast Guard Auxiliarists able to take responsibility for the leadership and success of their shipmates. Students participate in operational training in either the response or prevention track and achieve a maritime leadership capstone focused on the unique interests of each student.
Students complete the undergraduate or graduate program of study during their time in the program. Education in the classroom frequently includes guest lecturers who are experts in Coast Guard operations, homeland security, international affairs, disaster relief, and other related topics. Hands-on training takes place on the water and at the waterfront, through internships, and in real-life responsibilities that directly impact mission success.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment in AUP is open to students enrolled at any accredited American college or university.
Students attending a school with a campus presence participate directly in that AUP Unit; students at schools without such a presence must work through the AUP Remote Collaborative Unit (RCU) with a nearby flotilla to complete any underway, waterfront, or other on the job service requirements.
AUP is not currently accepting new applications from graduate-level students wishing the join the RCU. Graduate students must attend a school with an AUP Unit on campus in order to apply to AUP.
We do not offer a military commission. Students interested in active duty or reserve Coast Guard opportunities must work with a Coast Guard Recruiter. Visit the recruiting website to learn more: